Month: November 2021

RICS Joint Damp methodology Investigation of moisture and its effects in traditional buildings

Sympathetic damp solutions are necessary on a property like this. This is promoted in the new joint damp methodology by RICS, Historic England, SPAB, PCA & in my opinion in the below video you can […]

Investigation of moisture and its effects in traditional buildings joint damp methodology

Investigation of Moisture and its effects in Traditional Buildings This Document is currently a working draft. Further amendments are possible before the process of drafting is completed. The organisations that have collaborated to create the […]

Ground penetrating radar survey, to find hidden drainage

Ground penetrating radar is the easiest way of finding hidden land drains, culverts, French drains, wells, basements, cellars and vaults. Defective land drains and blocked culverts, can cause ponding around your building, and can be […]